2x or 3x Your Income Without Creating More Content or Signing More Clients!
What's Included:
Step-by-step marketing planto guide you through successfully setting up passive income streams in your business so that you can make sales even when you're not working.
Templates, worksheets, and swipe files to help you put all the pieces together strategically and successfully for consistent sales.
Checkliststo guide you through the practical actions you need to take to get things done and working for you.
Task tracking calendar with daily tasks organized for you so that you can stay on track and get things done. You can copy/paste the tasks to your google calendar or into any project management system that you use.
Fill-in-the-blank results report that you can use with your va (if you outsource) to get a snapshot of what she worked on, what results were achieved, and any data or statistics that you should be aware of.